Can You Get Veneers with Gum Disease?

Dr. Noah Orenstein.

Many patients at The Dental Specialists come seeking a smile makeover but are concerned about their oral health, particularly when they have gum disease in Newton, MA. A common question that surfaces is: “Can you get veneers when you also have gum disease?” This issue, as explained by Dr. Orenstein, requires a careful assessment of […]

Can My Gum Recession Be Cosmetically Treated With The Pinhole® Surgical Technique In Needham, MA?

patient undergoing dental procedure

Gum recession can cause more than just an uneven-looking smile for people. Over time, a person’s receding gum line could put their oral and systemic health at risk. With a minimally invasive treatment gum recession treatment called the Pinhole® Surgical Technique in Needham, MA, people can immediately improve the way their teeth look, as well […]